How To Oil A Cutting Board

A well maintained wooden cutting board not only looks great; it is safer to use than a plastic cutting board. Contrary to popular belief, wooden cutting boards are safer than plastic because wooden cutting boards are less likely to develop deep grooves where bacteria can hide than plastic cutting boards do. Wooden cutting boards are also easier on your knives and won’t dull them like other forms of cutting boards will.
Properly maintained wooden cutting boards can also serve many functions in your kitchen in addition to cutting meats, fruits, and vegetables, and include use as a serving platter for bread and cheeses as well as additional counter space when cooking. Wooden cutting boards look and function great if they are properly maintained and below is a list of steps on how to oil wooden cutting board.
Items Required
Oiling a wooden cutting board will maintain its beauty and functionality. Oiling a cutting board will help to maintain the integrity of the wood and keep it from cracking, staining, and absorbing odors. Oiling will also make cleaning the wooden cutting board easier and keeping it more sanitary to avoid contamination from the foods you are cutting. How often you oil your cutting board will depend on how often it is used, but it is common to oil it every two weeks or so. The only items required to oil a cutting board are clean cloth and oil.
While properly oiling your wooden cutting board is essential to the longevity of your cutting board, there are also some things you should never do to or with your wooden cutting board to maintain its beauty and functionality. Listed below are some things you should never do to or with your wooden cutting board:
Step Soak in Water
Never allow a wooden cutting board to soak in water. Once you have finished using your wooden cutting board wash and dry immediately, if you allow it to soak in water, it can cause cracks that will ruin the integrity of the wooden cutting board.
Do Not Wash In Dishwasher
A well-oiled cutting board only needs to be washed with warm soapy water; the oil will keep bacteria and odors from seeping into the wood. Cleaning a wooden cutting board in the dishwasher will damage the cutting board.
Don’t Cut In Just One Area
Many people tend to use just one area of the wooden cutting board, but if you use different areas of the board, you can extend the life of the cutting board instead of wearing out just one area.
Don’t Use Just One Side
Individuals who use wooden cutting boards often forget that as long as they clean and properly oil both sides of the board, they can use both sides of the board as well. This will essentially double the life of your wooden cutting board.
Oil A Wooden Cutting Board In 4 Simple Steps
Maintaining a wooden cutting board is easier than most people think, and it only takes four simple steps every couple weeks to keep the cutting board looking great and functioning well.
Listed below are the four simple steps to oiling a wooden cutting board:
What Oil To Use On Cutting Board
The most common oil used on wooden cutting boards is mineral oil as it contains properties that prevent water from absorbing into the wooden cutting board as well as being non-toxic, colorless, flavorless, and odorless. It is important that the mineral oil you choose is a food-grade oil, which means that it is saving for human consumption as determined by the Federal Drug Administration or FDA. While mineral oil is the most popular choice you can also use the following oils on a wooden cutting board:
1. Beeswax
2. Coconut Oil
3. Carnauba
4. Walnut Oil
Wooden cutting boards add both beauty and function to any kitchen and if maintained properly, can last a long time. To keep a wooden cutting board looking and functioning great simply oil it every couple of weeks and you will be able to enjoy the wooden cutting board for many years.