How To Drain Intex Pool

The owners of intex pools always know there are times that their pools need to be drained entirely due to reasons. Despite the scenario not being prevalent, you might want to have a new intex pool liner so that you can have clean water in the pool. One can achieve to successfully drain an intex pool thoroughly provided you are aware of the associated costs. One can also save money by ensuring they put elbow grease and time to remove water without professional help. There are several ways of draining the intex pool and here are considerations you can use to follow.

Select The Best Draining Method

When draining Intex pool, the follower can decide to Choose one of the most two conventional methods which are either using a garden hose siphon or the Electric pump. All the Choose can fully drain pool water; the only consideration is time, preference, with the equipment that is readily available. The methods are used and explained here.

Draining intex pool

#1. Electric Pool Pump

When using this method, here are the steps you should follow:

  • The Intake hose of the pump needs to be submerged in water, and one should ensure it is very close towards the swimming pool center.
  • Select the place where water from the Intex pool will be drained by the pump. The area needs to be far from Intex pool and reliable space that won't cause flooding.
  • Turn on your electric pump using dried and cleaned hands
  • When the pump starts running, ensure there is a constant decrease in water level, I side the pool before leaving the equipment to continue draining.
  • Check your pool frequently so you can control flooding and other malfunctions.
  • The pump will go some water inside the pool so when there is low water level inside the pool, turn off the pump.

#2. Garden Hose Siphon

A single garden hose can finish draining water, and if you add others, the process will be fastened.
You can submerge completely every hose to fill with your water pool.
One end hose should be placed in the leveled ground area to control flooding.
Ensure the other hose's end is in water and make it start siphoning water from the pool.
Check your siphon regularly to see if there is a continuous decrease of water level and flooding is prevented. It, however, drains slower than the other electric pump.
There will be some water remaining in the pool so remove the pipe after water remains stagnant.

Steps For Removing Remaining Water 

The remaining water in an intex pool can then be drained with the following tools and methods:

  • Using a wet vac to suck up the remaining water
  • Sweep stagnant water from the pool
  • Remove liner from your Intex frame and flip it so extra water can be dumped on the property.

Considerations Before Draining The Intex Pool

Despite having a straight method to drain water from the pool, the maintenance process can have several risks at the pool liner. When you pour the pool and don't replace its liner, consider some factors before you start so your poll's integrity is protected. The considerations are:

  • Sun Damage: the Intex pool water always prevents the liner not to be damaged from the direct IN sunlight rays. After removing the water thoroughly, the pool liner due to rays. It is the best solution when you drain the pool the moment outside is overcast.
  • Mold Development: when removing the pool may be due to the winter season; you should always be cautious so you can control the build-up of molds at the liner. The issue can be due to packing the ship when it's still wet. Ensure there is towel usage and have the vinyl dried thoroughly.
  • Shape Loss: Intex pools can hold their original shapes since it has more water. When it is drained, the pool can deform in the way so ensure you protect it not to collapse after consuming it. There are bad weather and more winds which might damage an empty Intex pool.


Anyone can quickly start and complete the process of draining the Intex pool. The above threats should, however, be considered so that there are no issues realized after that. Ensure there are proper available tools and find the weather in the Draining season. You can also inquire more from professionals since they will always work their best. The above are the best methods and considerations when playing how to Drain Intex pool.

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One Comment

  1. Can you use this method to only half drain the pool? Can you detach before it’s 100% drained and not have issues?

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