How To Clean Intex Pool? It Is Easy If You Do It Smart
At long last, you bit the bullet and brought the Intex pool you’ve been hankering for home. Everything has been super-great. Everyone has been taking a dip into the nice, cool pool to escape the summer heat.
But that was until you started realizing that the pool was starting to get dirty. The debris, critters, and stain are all putting a damper on the fun you’re having and keeping everyone away from the pool.
This was bound to happen anyway. Pools get dirty, and will, therefore, require regular maintenance to keep all the dirt out. Sometimes, all it takes to remove some of the dirt is a simple scrub, but there’ll come a time when you’ll have to give the pool a more thorough cleaning.
Some of these dirt risk ruining your pool. For instance, leaves, sand, and any other visible debris could enter your filter system and clog it, completely ruining the entire water system.
Suffice it to say, you need to train yourself to clean your Intex pool regularly, and this guide is how you get it done right:
Clean the Pool every day
To begin with, your Intex pool needs to be cleaned every day. The least you could do is develop a cleaning routine for it. Whether it’s the first thing you do when you wake up or one of the chores you have in your to-do list; make sure a day doesn’t end without you cleaning the pool.
Remove Visible Dirt using a skimmer

You can start by removing debris or any form of visible dirt using a skimmer. You have to do this every day. However, if you don’t use the pool daily or you’re certain it doesn’t attract much dirt or falling leaves from afar, then you can skip the daily cleaning routine and maybe consider cleaning it thrice a week.
Otherwise, you have to make sure that you brush and vacuum it every other day, especially if the pool is a party central or if you have trees growing nearby.
Use a pool Brush Nylon Bristles
While cleaning the pool, remember only to use a pool brush with gentle nylon bristles to avoid damaging the pool liner. This is even more important when you’re cleaning the vinyl liner. Be gentle while at it to avoid tearing or scratching the liner.
Be even gentler when you’re using a pool brush that’s made of stainless steel as a simple act of careless on your part could end up damaging the vinyl liner.
Attach an Intex Filter-line vacuum to Your Pool
Intex has a filter-line vacuum unit that’s been specifically designed to clean their pools. Be sure to attach one to your pool. This will make it a whole lot easier for you to suck away any form of visible dirt from your pool as they come.
Where you prefer doing everything manually, use a rechargeable vacuum cleaner instead. With this, you can use internal power instead of relying on the pool’s filter system. All you have to do is push the vacuum cleaner into the bottom of the pool and watch as all the debris, or any other form of visible dirt get sucked into the system’s filter bag.
Seek out Professional Assistance
If you’re not getting the satisfaction you need after cleaning the pool, then consider finding a pool cleaning expert to help you out. A simple Google search for a pool cleaning expert should help you find one in a matter of minutes.
But first, make some prior inquiries on whether the agency or person you’re about to hire has any experience cleaning an Intex pool. This is an option you’d want to consider if your pool is stained and you’re finding it hard to remove the stains on your own.
So this blog has tried to help you exactly How to Clean Intex Pool. Be happy!